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Início > Produção Científica do Nupélia/PEA > Artigo

Título: The importance of qualitative inventory sampling using electric fishing and nets in a large, tropical river (Brazil)
Palavras-chave [PT]:

Ivaí, Rio. Paraná (Estado). Brasil. Pesca elétrica. Diversidade.
Palavras-chave [EN]:
Large tropical river. Ivaí River. Paraná State. Brazil. Diversity. Qualitative sampling. Electric fishing. Gillnet. Seine net.
Abstract: Qualitative fish sampling (single catch) using three methods (electric fishing, gillnets, seine nets) was assessed at three sites in the Ivai River (Paraná State, Brazil) to check their usefulness for quick inventory investigations. Electric fishing at a constant effort (15 min per each) was considered to be the best sampling technique. Taxon richness was calculated as the expected number of species using a rarefraction technique. Samples of 300–325 individuals, and 6–10 repetitions in neighbouring segments were sufficient. Even though electric fishing was conducted with the same effort in similar segments at each site there were many differences in species abundance. This suggests that the estimated fish specimen number obtained with constant effort is of limited validity on one sampling occasion and may be best considered as an ‘index of density’ only. The differences may partially be caused by the segments being located along the right and left bank of the large river (problem of different habitats). Qualitative and quantitative differences between electric fishing, gill-netting and seine-netting samples were very high at a high significance level. Nevertheless, as 22.4% taxa were caught only by gill or seine nets, these gears were important for complementing the species list.
PENCZAK, Tadeusz; GOMES, Luiz Carlos; BINI, Luis Maurício; AGOSTINHO, Angelo Antonio. The importance of qualitative inventory sampling using electric fishing and nets in a large, tropical river (Brazil). Hydrobiologia, Dordrecht, v.389, no.1-3, p.89-100, 1998.
Código: 195
Informações adicionais:
Received 6 August 1997; in revised form 25 September 1998; accepted 27 October 1998

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Arquivo: 076-HYDRO-Penczak-etal.pdf
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Atualizado: 27-06-2008 12:19
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