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Início > Produção Científica do Nupélia/PEA > Evento

Título: Biodiversity and fisheries management in the Paraná River Basin: successes and failures
Autor(es): AGOSTINHO, A.A.; GOMES, L.C.
Palavras-chave [PT]:

Paraná, Rio, Bacia. Biodiversidade. Pesca. Manejo. Brasil.
Palavras-chave [EN]:
Biodiversity. Fisheries. Management. Paraná River Basin. Brazil.

The Blue Millennium Project: Managing Fisheries for Biodiversity (2001)
The Blue Millennium Project was created to help national biodiversity planners come to grips with fisheries issues. World Fisheries Trust surveyed progress in 52 countries on dealing with fisheries issues in biodiversity planning; prepared a "Fisheries Primer" for planners, and convened an international workshop on fisheries and biodiversity.
Click here to view the report and case studies.
The workshop Blue Millennium: Managing Global Fisheries for Biodiversity, was held in Victoria, B.C. June 25-27, 2001, and brought together authors of fisheries management case studies from around the world, including Canada, Namibia, Philippines, Brazil, Laos, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Barbados, Uganda and New Zealand. The workshop represented the first opportunity for global fisheries scientists and management professionals to meet and review actual national experiences in incorporating biodiversity considerations into the fisheries sector.
The project was funded by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Biodiversity and fishery management are topics not well considered in the upper Paraná River. Biodiversity losses have been, in large part, due to anthropogenic actions, such as overfishing and dam construction. Unfortunately, in the past, fisheries management decisions were not evaluated or monitored for success. Recent studies have shown that if several of these management actions had been abandoned at an earlier date, considerable money, time and effort would have been saved. In this paper we presents the main fishery management actions taken in the Paraná River and link them to biodiversity concerns.

If biodiversity is to be maintained in the upper Paraná River, fisheries management will need to shift to an ecosystem approach. This will require:

1) Consideration of biological and ecosystem factors including, water quality, the food web, biotic and abiotic interactions, and population and communities structures.

2) Regularization of dam discharge to levels similar to observed natural levels.

3) Protection of the river, including all the different areas of the basin needed by different species to complete their life cycle.
AGOSTINHO, Angelo Antonio; GOMES, Luiz Carlos. Biodiversity and fisheries management in the Paraná River Basin: successes and failures. In: WOULD FISHERIES TRUST (Org.). The Blue Millennium Project: Managing Fisheries for Biodiversity. Victoria, BC: Would Fisheries Trust-CRDI - UNEP, 2002. p1-30.


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Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: 119-WFT-Agostinho&Gomes.PDF
Tamanho: 146 Kb (149485 bytes)
Criado: 07-05-2008 10:08
Atualizado: 27-06-2008 17:34
Visitas: 2356
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