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Início > Produção Científica do Nupélia/PEA > Artigo

Título: Fishery yield relative to chlorophyll a in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil
Palavras-chave [PT]:

Alto rio Paraná. Chlorophyll a. Reservatórios. Brasil.
Palavras-chave [EN]:
Fishery yield. Effort. Chlorophyll a. Reservoirs. Paraná River. Brazil.
Abstract: Fishery yields in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin are small when compared to those in other parts of the world. Several hypotheses have been formulated to explain the small yields, but low primary production has not been seriously considered as a possibility. In a sample of seven reservoirs, yield was directly related to fishing effort and chlorophyll a concentration; thus, enhancement of these factors may boost yield. However, primary production is difficult to augment in large reservoirs, plus current levels of effort seem to be nearing maximum sustainable yields in some reservoirs, and therefore increased fishing effort is not likely to boost yields to levels recorded in other geographical regions. Low primary production in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin appears to be a result of interactions between physical characteristics of the reservoirs and climatic conditions of the region.
GOMES, Luiz Carlos; MIRANDA, Leandro Esteban; AGOSTINHO, Angelo Antonio. Fishery yield relative to chlorophyll a in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. Fisheries Research, New York, v.55, no.1-3, p.335-340, 2002.
Código: 231
Informações adicionais:
Received 20 June 2000; received in revised form 31 October 2000; accepted 12 November 2000

Responsavel: admin
Categoria: Aplicação
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: 109-FR-Gomes-etal.pdf
Tamanho: 193 Kb (198062 bytes)
Criado: 29-04-2008 14:52
Atualizado: 26-06-2008 14:15
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