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Consultar: Artigo

Início > Produção Científica do Nupélia/PEA > Artigo

Título: Spatial patterns in fish distributions and structure of the ichthyocenosis in the Água Nanci stream, upper Paraná River basin, Brazil
Autor(es): ABES, S. da S.; AGOSTINHO, A.A.
Palavras-chave [PT]:

Riacho. Ictiocenose. Água Nanci, Riacho. Paraná, Rio. Brasil.
Palavras-chave [EN]:
Stream. Ichthyocenosis. Habitat complexity. Tropical system. Paraná River. Brazil.
Abstract: Samples of fishes were collected quarterly at three reaches in the Água Nanci stream, upper Paraná River basin, Brazil: near the spring, in the middle course, and near the mouth. Richness and evenness of the fish fauna increased between reaches towards the river mouth showing a correlation with stream width, pH and the presence of riparian vegetation. These variations in species richness and evenness, verified through Principal Component Analysis and Pearson correlation, suggest relations to habitat complexity, especially characterized by both the degree of preservation of dense riparian vegetation and high width at the lower reaches of the stream, providing a wide variety of hiding places for fish. Abundant species showed correlations with some environmental factors, suggesting habitat preferences.
ABES, Sara da Silva; AGOSTINHO, Angelo Antonio. Spatial patterns in fish distributions and structure of the ichthyocenosis in the Água Nanci stream, upper Paraná River basin, Brazil. Hydrobiologia, Dordrecht, v.445, no.1-3, p.217-227, 2001.
Código: 258
Informações adicionais:
Received 1 December 1998; in revised form 22 August 2000; accepted 4 December 2000

Responsavel: salete
Categoria: Aplicação
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: 101-HYDRO-Abes&Agostinho.pdf
Tamanho: 615 Kb (629496 bytes)
Criado: 02-05-2008 16:59
Atualizado: 27-06-2008 11:09
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